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Confidence remains high in Miecznik despite missed deadline

19th July 2021 - 15:02 GMT | by Lukasz Prus in Warsaw


The Polish Navy aims to acquire three multirole frigates under the Miecznik programme, to replace two ex-USN vessels (pictured is ORP General Kazimierz Kościuszko). Photo: Tomasz Grotnik.

Door stays open in Poland for foreign shipbuilders to partner PGZ on new frigate programme.

Major European warship manufacturers are competing to partner Polish industry on the Miecznik (Swordfish) programme to build three new multi-purpose frigates for the Polish Navy by 2033 — but an important deadline has been missed.

In March this year, Polish Minister of National Defence Mariusz Błaszczak announced that the contract to build frigates for the Polish Navy would be signed before the end of the first half of 2021.

Polish shipbuilders will build the three frigates. To this end, a consortium was established in May under the leadership of Polish Armament Group (PGZ). The consortium also includes PGZ Naval Shipyard

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Lukasz Prus


Lukasz Prus


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